Our Chiropractic Techniques
K-Laser therapy helps to promote healing in the tissues via different wavelengths of light that affect the body in different ways to increase the circulation and activity of the cells to work on healing.
Decompression helps to take some of the pressure off of the spinal disc allowing that negative pressure to retract the disc, which will take pressure off of the nerve.
Traction is used to stretch the soft tissues and allow them to get more circulation as they’re being stretched and relaxed.
Ultrasound sends sound waves to penetrate ligaments and tendons to loosen them up and make it easier to do the adjustment.
Electric muscle stimulation
This technique helps to relax the muscles and increase circulation to make the adjustment easier.
Whole-body Vibration
Originally used for cosmonauts after they returned from space, whole-body vibration helps to strengthen the body by increasing the gravitational pull on a person’s body and having the body react.
Ready to find relief and get on the road to wellness? Contact our Jacksonville practice today to schedule an appointment.